Saturday, September 8, 2007


Constituted 2006 AD



We the members of The Most Worshipful Independent Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippine Islands, imploring the aid of the Great Architect of the Universe, in order to form a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the Philippines, propagate and exemplify the tenets of Freemasonry, enhance its welfare, foster brotherhood, promote harmony, and preserve liberty, equality and fraternity, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

Article I

Article I
Title and Seal

Section 1. Grand Lodge Title. This Grand Lodge shall be known and referred to as the MOST WORSHIPFUL INDEPENDENT GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.

Section 2. Grand Lodge Seal. The Grand Lodge Seal shall contain symbols used to exemplify Masonic teachings; the Square and Compass which is the Universal Emblem of Freemasonry; and a graphic representation of the sun and stars arranged in a triangular formation. These shall be laid out in four alternating quadrants of blue and red forming a rectangle. The red and the blue colors shall be of a hue similar to the colors of the Philippine flag. The Slogan “Kapatiran, Kalinga, Katotohanan” shall be written on a representation of three steps below the rectangle. On top of the rectangle shall be the letters I G L P I. Two graphically represented columns shall be located on the left and right sides to frame the whole composition. The words “ Constituted 2006 A.D.” shall be written below the Grand Lodge seal.

Section 3. Use of Seal. The seal shall be affixed to all instruments issued by, or under the authority of this Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge shall regulate use of this seal other than on official instruments.

Article II

Article II
Functions, Powers, Authority and Jurisdiction

Section 1. Functions. It shall be the primary function of the Most Worshipful Independent Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippine Islands (MW IGLPI) to preserve, protect, promote and propagate the tenets and ideals of Freemasonry, and to enhance the welfare of the Fraternity and the Lodges under its jurisdiction. It shall provide mechanisms to foster and preserve harmony and unity among its Lodges and their members through effective executive, legislative, and judicial measures that are fair, just and consistent with Masonic laws, General Regulations and Ancient Landmarks. Furthermore, it shall provide Masonic education programs for the development of Masonic leadership hand in hand with human potentials, in consonance with the ancient charges and obligations of the Order.

Section 2. General Powers and Authority. The MW IGLPI shall be vested with the sovereign executive, legislative, and judicial powers and authority of a government of Masons in its jurisdiction. These powers shall be limited only by strict adherence to the Ancient Landmarks of Freemasonry and to its own Constitution, By-Laws, Codes, and Ordinances, as well as the General Regulations of Freemasonry. Toward the exercise of these powers, and to ensure continuity and efficiency, the Grand Lodge shall form various instrumentalities such as but not limited to councils, boards, panels, committees, or offices.

Section 3. Executive Power. The executive power of the Grand Lodge shall include any and all powers necessary to exercise its functions, authority and prerogatives; implement the Constitution and By-Laws, Codes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations; issue administrative circulars and provide the administrative structure and orders pertinent thereto, including but not limited to the granting of dispensations and charters to establish and perpetuate Lodges together with the power to arrest, withdraw, revoke or reactivate the same under the conditions provided for by law.
3.1 The executive power of the Grand Lodge shall be vested in the Grand Master, with the assistance of an Executive Council, composed of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary, and Grand Auditor.
3.2 The Executive Council shall meet regularly or as often as maybe necessary to discuss matters for the betterment of masonry in general, and for the proper administration of the affairs of the Grand Lodge.

Section 4. Legislative Power. Legislative functions shall extend to every case of legislation, which do not inherently belong to Subordinate Lodges. This Constitution, the By-Laws and all Codes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations, now or subsequently appended hereto together with Ancient Landmarks and General Regulations of Freemasonry shall be binding upon all Subordinate Lodges and Masons within this jurisdiction.
4.1 The legislative power of the Grand Lodge shall be vested in the Grand Assembly, which shall, among other authorities, propose and promulgate laws and approve or disapprove ordinances, edicts, and other issuances of the Grand Master, under such process as may be later adopted.
4.2. In between Grand Assemblies, legislative power shall be exercised by a Legislative Council, to be chaired by the Deputy Grand Master, which shall be composed of 10 members of Past Grand Masters and Past Masters, who shall review and recommend for approval of the Grand Master, all ordinances, edicts, and other issuances proposed by it, a Subordinate Lodge, incumbent Grand Lodge Officer, and/or groups of Masons. With the exception of the Chairman, the qualifications and tenure of other members shall be provided by law.
4.3. Ordinances, edicts, circulars, and other issuances issued by the Grand Master not approved or acted upon by the Grand Assembly next following its issuance shall immediately thereafter become without any binding force and effect.
4.4 The budget of the Grand Lodge and other unusual appropriations not included in the Annual Budget shall be discussed and approved by the Legislative Council.

Section 5. Judicial Power. The judicial power of the Grand Lodge shall extend only to Masonic controversies or offenses as defined in the Constitution, By-Laws, Codes, Laws, Ordinances, General Regulations and Landmarks. The judicial power of the Grand Lodge shall be vested in Judicial Council, to be chaired by the Senior Grand Warden, composed of seven (7) members. Membership in the Judicial Council shall be appointed from among the Past Grand Masters and/or Past masters with tenures as provided by law.
5.1 The Judicial Council shall have original jurisdiction over controversies involving the Grand Lodge or its incumbent Past or Honorary Officers; all controversies among two or more Lodges, or their members, or between one of them and a member or members of a Subordinate Lodge, and the enforcement of discipline upon all Masons and Lodges under its jurisdiction. The Judicial Council shall also have original jurisdiction over all cases involving incumbent Masters of Subordinate Lodges.
5.2 The Judicial Council shall have appellate jurisdiction over decisions rendered by Subordinate Lodges; provided that decisions of expulsions or suspensions of members of Subordinate Lodges shall be implemented even during the pendency of the appeal, after notice had been sent to the Grand Secretary and the brother so suspended or expelled. Decisions of the Subordinate Lodges imposing expulsion or suspension of one year or more, shall be automatically reviewed by the Judicial Council.
5.3 Actions or decisions of the Judicial Council shall be immediately executory and may be set-aside only by the Grand Assembly.
5.4 The Judicial Council shall, within 90 days from the ratification of this Constitution, draft the pertinent rules and regulations on Charges and Trial.

Section 6. The Council of Elders. The Council of Elders shall act as an advisory body to the Grand Master and to the Grand Lodge. It shall be composed of seven (7) members, with the Chairman, and two vice-chairmen all Past Grand Masters, serving a tenure of three years, provided that the first appointee acting as chairman shall serve for one year, the second for two and the third for three. Law shall provide the qualifications and tenure of other members. The Council of Elders shall be given oversight functions over all the Councils of the Grand Lodge.

Section 7. Jurisdiction. The Grand Lodge shall exercise jurisdiction over all Subordinate Lodges within the territorial jurisdiction of the Republic of the Philippines, affiliated with it and/or chartered under this Constitution.
7.1 Districts or Regions may be formed for efficient and effective administration of Lodges in consonance with the functions and authority of the Grand Lodge. Criteria for such formation shall include the number of Lodges and size of membership, span of control for efficient management, and ability to sustain a turn over of qualified officers. Lodges may petition the Grand Lodge to form a district; districts may petition to form a region, subject to the provisions of the manual or code for Grand Lodge Administration.

Article III

Article III
Members, Officers and Titles of Officers

Section 1. Members. The Grand Lodge shall be composed of the Subordinate Lodges and their members in good standing, represented by their incumbent Masters and Wardens. Master Masons of any Subordinate Lodge of this Grand Lodge present and duly registered at any Assembly shall be entitled to speak and vote on any issue raised and discussed therein.

Section 2. Elected Grand Officers and Titles
a. The Grand Master (MW) Most Worshipful.
b. The Deputy Grand Master (RW) Right Worshipful.
c. The Senior Grand Warden (RW) Right Worshipful.
d. The Junior Grand Warden (RW) Right Worshipful.
e. The Grand Treasurer (RW) Right Worshipful.
f. The Grand Secretary (RW) Right Worshipful.
g. The Grand Auditor (RW) Right Worshipful.

Section 3. Appointive Grand Officers and Titles
a. The Assistant Grand Secretary (VW) Very Worshipful.
b. The Grand Inspector General (VW) Very Worshipful.
c. The Grand Lecturer (VW) Very Worshipful.
d. The Grand Legal Officer (VW) Very Worshipful.
e. The Grand Chaplain (VW) Very Worshipful.
f. The Grand Orator (VW) Very Worshipful.
g. The Grand Marshal (VW) Very Worshipful.
h. The Senior Grand Deacon (VW) Very Worshipful.
i. The Junior Grand Deacon (VW) Very Worshipful.
j. The Grand Standard Bearer (VW) Very Worshipful.
k. The Grand Sword Bearer (VW) Very Worshipful.
l. The Grand Bible Bearer (VW) Very Worshipful.
m. The Senior Grand Steward (VW) Very Worshipful.
n. The Junior Grand Steward (VW) Very Worshipful.
o. The Grand Organist (VW) Very Worshipful.
p. The Grand Tyler (VW) Very Worshipful.

Section 4. Other Appointive Grand Line Officers.
a. Regional Grand Deputy(ies) (VW) Very Worshipful.
b. Regional Grand Inspector(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
c. Regional Grand Lecturer(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
d. District Grand Supervisor(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
e. District Grand Inspector(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
f. District Grand Lecturer(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.

Section 5. Qualifications of Elective and Appointive Officers. Qualifications of the various elective and appointive officers shall be embodied in a Grand Lodge Election and Appointments Code.

5.1 No one shall be appointed officer of the Grand Lodge unless he is a member in good standing of a Subordinate Lodge in this jurisdiction. If he is a dual/plural member of another Subordinate Lodge, he shall also automatically cease to be an officer of the Grand Lodge should he lose his status as member in good standing in any of his dual/plural Subordinate Lodge.

Article IV

Powers and Duties of Elective Grand Officers

Section 1. The Grand Master. He shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Grand Lodge.
1.1 The Grand Master shall be responsible and accountable to the Craft for the proper governance thereof, for the maintenance of harmony and order within the Fraternity, the preservation of its principal tenets and teachings, and to ensure strict adherence to the Ancient Landmarks, the Uniform Code of By-Laws, Ordinances, Edicts and Rules and Regulation of the Grand Lodge, by all Subordinate Lodges and its members.
1.2. The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountability of the Grand Master shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Section 2. The Deputy Grand Master. It shall be the duty of the Deputy Grand Master to assist the Grand Master in the performance of any and all his official functions and duties and to perform his official functions and duties in the event of the latter’s death, his absence from this jurisdiction, or his inability to perform his official functions and duties. He shall perform other duties that may be assigned to him by the Grand Master.
2.1 The Deputy Grand Master shall be the Chairman of the Legislative Council, which has the power to review the recommendations of the Committees on Revision of the Constitution, Edicts and By-Laws, and Legislations for the orderly and proper guidance of all Masons and Lodges within the Grand Jurisdiction. Any law, edicts, etc. approved by this Legislative Council shall be submitted to the Grand Master for approval and implementation while the Grand Lodge is in recess, and for confirmation at the next Annual Grand Assembly.
2.2 The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountability of the Deputy Grand Master shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Section 3. The Grand Wardens. It shall be the duty of the Grand Wardens to assist the Grand Master at all times and, in the absence of the Grand Master and of the Deputy Grand Master, to preside at Assemblies of the Grand Lodge in the order of their rank.
3.1 In the event of death, absence from this jurisdiction, or inability of both the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master, they shall, in the order of their rank, be vested with all the powers in consonance with the duties assumed.
3.2 The Senior Grand Warden shall be the Chairman of the Judicial Council, which shall exercise such powers as mandated in Article II, Section 5 hereof.
3.3 The Junior Grand Warden shall be the overseer of social functions, protocol, public relations and preparation/conduct of all Grand Assemblies, under the direct supervision of the Grand Master.
3.4 The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountability of the Grand Wardens shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Section 4. The Grand Treasurer. He shall be responsible and accountable for the proper management, administration, control, and safeguarding of all the funds, properties and resources of the Grand Lodge.
4.1 The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountability of the Grand Treasurer shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Section 5. The Grand Secretary. He shall be responsible and accountable for the preparation, receipt and safekeeping of all records, documents and other papers or media. He shall also be authorized to collect all monies due to the Grand Lodge, make an accurate account thereof, and turn-over the same to the Grand Treasurer in accordance with established procedures and regulations.
5.1 The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountability of the Grand Secretary shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Section 6. The Grand Auditor. He shall perform internal audit and see to it that funds and properties of the Lodge are properly accounted for and properly safeguarded in accordance with the rules and regulations of audit prescribed by the Grand Lodge and in conformity with existing laws of the land.
6.1 The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountability of the Grand Auditor shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Article V

Powers and Duties of Appointive Grand Lodge Officers

Section 1. Assistant Grand Secretary. He shall be vested with such powers and duties as may be delegated to him by the Grand Secretary, with the approval of the Grand Master.

Section 2. Grand Inspector General. He shall assist the Grand Master in monitoring compliance to Grand Lodge policies, rules and regulations relative to administration of lodges as provided by law. He shall also assist in monitoring the labor of the Lodges in accordance with approved rituals and ceremonies.

Section 3. Grand Lecturer. He shall be the principal adviser of the Grand Master and the officers on matters pertaining to Masonic ceremonies, rituals and protocol, on the proper interpretation of the ancient landmarks, traditions, history, philosophy, and such other Masonic doctrines. He shall give a lecture on such subjects during the assemblies of the Grand Lodge or of any of its regions, districts and lodges in its jurisdiction as the Grand Master may require.

Section 4 Grand Legal Officer. He shall handle all legal matters involving the Grand Lodge and represent it in all litigations and cases whether administrative, judicial or quasi-judicial in nature.

Section 5 Grand Chaplain. It shall be his duty of the Grand Chaplain to promote the spiritual fitness of the members of the Craft and to perform, during each Annual Grand Assembly and on other appropriate occasions, such services appertaining to his office as may be required of him by the Grand Master.

Section 6. Grand Orator. It shall be his duty of the Grand Orator to deliver an oration to the Grand Lodge at its Annual Grand Assembly or on other occasions as the Grand Master may direct.

Section 7. Grand Marshal. It shall be his duty to:
7.1 Proclaim the Grand Officers at their installation and to make such other proclamation as the Grand Master may direct.
7.2 Introduce and conduct the representatives of other Grand Lodges and all visiting brethren of distinction in all assemblies of the Grand Lodge.
7.3 Take charge of all processions of the Grand Lodge, and perform such other duties proper to his office under the direction of the Grand Master.

Section 8. Grand Deacons. It shall be their duty to assist the Grand Master and Grand Wardens in the manner prescribed by the ancient usages of the Craft.

Section 9. Grand Standard Bearer. It shall be his duty to carry the Banner of the Grand Lodge in all processions and at all public ceremonies.

Section 10. Grand Sword Bearer. It shall be his duty to attend to the Grand Master and carry the Sword of the Grand Lodge in all processions and at all public ceremonies.

Section 11. Grand Bible Bearer. It shall be his duty to carry the Book of Holy Writings in all processions and at all public ceremonies.

Section 12. Grand Stewards. It shall be their duty to superintend the preparations for all festive occasions directed by the Grand Lodge.

Section 13. Grand Organist. It shall be his duty to preside at the organ at the opening and the closing and other ceremonies of the Grand Lodge as appropriate.

Section 14. Grand Tyler. It shall be his duty to:
14.1 Guard the outer door of the Grand Lodge when convened.
14.2 Report all applicants for admission to the Junior Grand Deacon and see that all who enter are duly authorized and properly clothed.
14.3 Make suitable preparations for the accommodation of the Grand Lodge at all its Assemblies and see that its hall is kept in proper condition during their continuance.
14.4 Take charge of and safely keep the jewels, furniture, clothing, and other paraphernalia of the Grand Lodge during its Assemblies and other ceremonies.
14.5 Serve all notices and summonses, and perform such other duties as maybe required of him by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master.

Section 15. Accountability. The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountabilities of these officers shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Article VI

Article VI
Powers and Duties of Regional and District Grand Officers

Section 1. Regional Grand Deputies. They shall assist the Grand Master on matters pertaining to the administration of Masonic regions that may be established by the Grand Lodge.

Section 2. District Grand Supervisors.. They shall be the extensions of the Regional Grand Deputies for their respective districts. Where the office of Regional Grand Deputy has not yet been established, a District Grand Supervisor shall directly assist the Grand Master on matters pertaining to the administration of the District that may be established and assigned to him by the Grand Lodge.

Section 3 Regional and District Grand Inspectors. They shall be the extensions of the Grand Inspector General in their respective Masonic regions or districts.

Section 4 Regional and District Grand Lecturers. They shall be the extensions of the Grand Lecturer in their respective Masonic regions and districts.

Section 5. Accountability. The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountabilities of these officers shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

Article VII

Article VII
General Assemblies, Meetings and Quorum

Section 1. Annual Grand Assembly. The Grand Lodge shall hold an Annual Grand Assembly at a place and time as may be authorized by law for the transaction of business, for a period of three (3) calendar days commencing on or about the last Thursday of November. No business shall be taken up at the Annual Grand Assembly unless it has been previously referred to and acted upon by the proper committee, except when such business is demanded by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Subordinate Lodges present.

Section 2. Special Grand Assembly. Special Grand Assemblies may be called by the Grand Master whenever such shall promote the general welfare of the Fraternity or upon a Resolution of at least one-third (1/3) of the Subordinate Lodges setting forth the causes for such demand. The purpose(s) for calling the Special Grand Assemblies shall be clearly specified in the notices to the Subordinate Lodges and no other topic shall be entertained during the proceedings.

Section 3. Meetings of Grand Lodge Instrumentalities. Regular and special meetings of any of the instrumentalities formed by the Grand Lodge for the purpose of governance and in consonance with its functions, power and authority may be called as provided for by law.

Section 4. Quorum. The presence of at least one-third (1/3) of the chartered Lodges represented by their Masters and / or Wardens shall constitute a quorum for the Grand Lodge to transact business validly whether at an Annual Grand or Special Assembly. On ceremonial occasions, however, the Grand Master or his duly authorized representative, with a sufficient number of Masons present to fill the Grand stations and places, may, at any time, open the Grand Lodge and perform the ceremonies for which it has been convened. No member of the Grand Lodge, Master, or Warden of Subordinate Lodges may be represented by proxy in any Grand or Special Assembly of the Grand Lodge.

Article VIII

Article VIII
Election and Appointment

Section 1. General Provisions. Elections of elective officers of the Grand Lodge and all its Subordinate Lodges shall be conducted in consonance with the “injunction or rather emulation of who best can work and best agree”. The Grand Lodge shall ensure that it is conducted with the highest standards of integrity, harmony and efficiency, devoid of politicking, electioneering, influence peddling and extravagance. To this end, the Grand Lodge shall provide necessary administrative instruments, and legislative measures that shall include sanctions against violations and similar improper acts.

Section 2. Schedule of Grand Election. The Grand Lodge shall hold its annual election on the second day of its Annual Grand Assembly.

Section 3. Elective Officers and Manner of Election. The elective Grand Lodge Officers namely, the Grand Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior and the Junior Grand Wardens, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Secretary and the Grand Auditor shall be elected through secret balloting by majority vote of incumbent elected officers of the Subordinate Lodges, Immediate Past Masters, elected Grand Lodge Officers, Regional Grand Deputies, and District Grand Supervisors present and duly registered in the Annual Grand Assembly.

Section 4. Installation of Officers. The elected Grand Officers, and those appointed by the Grand Master-elect, shall be installed before the conclusion of the Annual Grand Assembly.

Section 5. Terms of Office and Vacancies. The term of office of elected and appointed Grand Officers shall be for one (1) year. They shall hold office until their successors have been elected or appointed and installed unless their terms are shortened due to justifiable reasons. The following rule on succession shall be observed for any vacancy that may occur, in any of the elective or appointive positions:

5.1 In the event of vacancy occurring in the positions of Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Senior Grand Warden, the next in line shall serve the unexpired term without prejudice to his nomination to the same position in the succeeding election.

5.2 In the event of a vacancy occurring for the position of Junior Grand Warden, the Grand Master shall appoint a replacement Pro-Tempore from the Council of Elders who shall serve the unexpired term in a concurrent capacity. The Junior Grand Warden Pro-Tempore shall notbe included in the line of succession and shall not be eligible for nomination to any elective position in the Grand Lodge in the succeeding election.

5.3 For elective positions other than the Deputy Grand Master and the Grand Wardens, any vacancy shall be filled by the Grand Master upon consultation with the Council of Elders to serve the unexpired term without prejudice to his nomination to the same office in the succeeding annual election.5.4 For vacancies occurring in any appointive Grand Officer positions, the Grand Master shall appoint a replacement who shall serve the unexpired term.

Section 6. Qualifications and Eligibility of Elective and Appointive Grand Officers. The qualifications and eligibility of elective and appointive officers as provided under the Election and Appointments Code, shall be strictly adhered to.

Section 7. The Election Board and Election Related Bodies. The Grand Lodge shall organize an Election Board and other election related bodies for the purpose of preparing, conducting and safeguarding its electoral process.

7.1 The Election Board shall have a chairman and two members, serving a fixed tenure not exceeding three years (3) provided that the first appointee shall serve for one (1) year, the second for two (2) years and last appointee for three (3) years. The Election Board shall determine eligibility and qualification of all recommendees for nomination to the position of Junior Grand Warden; to prepare and administer election laws; and, to perform any function relative thereto as may be provided by law. It shall be authorized to create a Panel of Peers, Electoral Tribunal and Committees, whether permanent or ad-hoc, to assist them in their functions.

7.2 The Election Board shall create a Panel of Peers which shall be an Ad Hoc body of non-voting Past Masters from accredited Subordinate Lodges created in situ by drawing lots during the election proper and tasked with the evaluation of recommendees to the position of Junior Grand Warden passed by the Election Board. Its recommendations shall be submitted to the Council of Elders, through the Election Board, for final evaluation.

7.3 The Election Board shall create an ad-hoc Electoral Tribunal, composed of five (5) incumbent or past Grand Officers, which shall investigate, hear, and decide all formal election-related charges. Its decision shall be final and immediately executory, without prejudice to the filing of appropriate charges with the Judicial Council for unmasonic conduct and/or violation of the Constitution, statutes, by-laws, and other pertinent laws and regulations.

Section 8. Nominations for Elective Positions. The elected and installed Deputy Grand Master, the Senior and Junior Grand Wardens shall be considered nominated for the next higher position unless they become ineligible. The incumbent Grand Treasurer, Grand Auditor and the Grand Secretary shall be automatically nominated for the same positions, subject to confirmation by the Council of Elders, without prejudice to their consideration of other nominees.

Section 9. Nominations for the Election of the Junior Grand Warden. For the purpose of selecting nominees for the election of the Junior Grand Warden, there shall be stages and processes for recommendation, preliminary-qualification, peer evaluation and nomination. Recommendations for nomination of Junior Grand Warden shall be at the initiative of Lodges under this jurisdiction, subject to preliminary screening and selection of the region, district or other grouping where these Lodges may belong, before submission to the Election Board.

Section 10. Final Nomination for Junior Grand Warden. Final nomination for the position of Junior Grand Warden shall be made by the Council of Elders.

Section 11. Election and Appointments Code. The Grand Lodge shall formulate an Election and Appointments CodeSection 12. Voting and Lodge Representation. Voting, qualification of voters, Lodge accreditation and representation shall be governed by the Election and Appointments Code.

Article IX

Article IX

Section 1. The revenue of the Grand Lodge shall be derived from fees, membership dues, special lodge and membership assessments, donations, contributions, proceeds from publications, sales of supplies, fund raising, and from other sources as may be authorized by law.

Article X

Article X

Section 1. The Grand Lodge shall provide the means for a continuing study and promulgation of legislative measures for all matters requiring legislation, with strict adherence to the tenets and teachings of the Fraternity and in conformity with this Constitution and existing laws of the land.

Article XI

Article XI
Masonic Education

Section 1. Objectives. The creation of a strong foundation for membership shall be a prime objective of the Grand Lodge. To this end, there shall be a continuing in depth study and promotion of the philosophy and teachings of Freemasonry, coupled with the assimilation of historical documents, artifacts and Masonic literature for the appreciation of future generation of Masons. There shall be a strong effort to inspire and encourage members to undertake research, teach, write or make dissertations that would serve to add and enhance the enlightenment of the brethren in particular and the community in general.

Section 2. Creation of an Institution for Masonic Education. The Grand Lodge shall create an institutional body to plan, lead, direct and supervise Masonic education and leadership training programs for the benefit of Lodges and their members in its jurisdiction and Masonry in general.Section 3. Programs. There shall be a continuing effort to upgrade the quality of membership through short, medium and long-range programs that shall eventually make passing through or graduation from various courses, modules, seminars or workshops mandatory for all officers of the Grand Lodge as well as the Lodges in its jurisdiction.

Article XII

Article XII

Section 1. The Constitution may be amended only during the Annual Grand Assembly by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present A proposed amendment receiving a majority but less than three-fourths (3/4) votes shall be laid over the year, published in the proceedings as a “Proposed Amendment to the Constitution” and can again be proposed at the next Annual Grand Assembly.

Article XIII

Article XIII
Transitory Provisions on Accreditation

Section 1. Strict Adherence to the Universal Tenets of Freemasonry. It is with a strong conviction to uphold the universal tenets of Freemasonry, its principles and Ancient Landmarks that the Most Worshipful Independent Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippine Islands is formed. It shall be incumbent upon its adherents to exercise utmost care in evaluating petitions of non-constituent lodges for accreditation.

Section 2. Constituent Lodges. Constituent Lodges that are signatories to the Declaration of Independence and those that shall have finalized and submitted their respective resolutions to join the Grand Lodge before or during the first General Assembly on November 25, 2006 shall be considered charter members.

Section 3. Committee on Accreditation. A Committee on Accreditation shall be created to receive and evaluate petition of non-constituent Lodges for accreditation. Its first responsibility shall be to establish well-defined parameters to be used in the process of evaluation giving critical emphasis on moral standards in determining the worthiness of individual master masons included in the roster of members of a Lodge petitioning for accreditation.

Section 4. Accreditation of Non-Constituent Lodges. After the first Grand Assembly of 2006, non-constituent Lodges in good standing may seek membership by submitting to the Committee on Accreditation their petitions for accreditation and comply with other procedural requirements as may be specified, provided that Lodges that were active as original proponents of the Most Worshipful Independent Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippine Islands may still be considered as charter members until May 2007.

Section 5. Affiliation. Individual Master Masons in good standing may affiliate with accredited Subordinate Lodges in accordance with the affiliation requirements set by the Committee on Accreditation.

Article XIV

Transitory Provisions for Election and Appointment

Section 1. Interim Grand Officers. An interim set of Grand Lodge officers shall initially administer the affairs of and govern the Grand Lodge. They shall be given all the powers necessary to lay down the foundation for and/or prepare the Grand Lodge toward the enforcement of the structural, legislative, executive, judicial and administrative mandates and all other provisions of this Constitution.

Section 2. Term of Office. The elected and appointed interim officers of the Grand Lodge shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected or appointed, and installed during the Second Annual Grand Assembly in November 2007.

Section 3. Officers of Subordinate Lodges. Incumbent elected and appointed officers of accredited Subordinate Lodges as well as those who shall petition for accreditation and may be approved under Article XIII Sections 4, shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed in December 2006 and subsequently installed.

Section 4. Installation and Term of Office of Officers of Subordinate Lodges. The officers of the Subordinate Lodges elected or appointed in December 2006 and subsequently installed until February 28, 2007. They shall hold office until their successors shall have been elected or appointed in September 2007, and subsequently installed not later than October 31, 2007, which shall be the regular election and installation period of this Grand Lodge.

Section 5. Positions Requiring Past Grand Master Eligibility. Specific requirements for the appointment of Past Grand Master for any of the Council, Committee or other instrumentalities should not take effect until sufficient number of Past Grand Masters shall have been met.

Article XV

Transitory Provisions for Recognition of Masonic Services

Section 1. Accreditation of Masonic Services in Other Grand Jurisdiction. Masonic services of members of accredited Lodges served in other jurisdictions shall be recognized, provided they are members of good standing as attested by their respective lodges.

Section 2. Recognition of Life Members by Longevity. Members considered Life Members by Longevity shall be recognized, provided they can show proof of their claim or as may be attested by their respective lodges.

Section 3. Creation of Legal Assistance Committee. A Legal Assistance Committee shall be created to advise and assist members on questions of Masonic benefits that may be due or demandable by virtue of their past membership in other jurisdictions.

Article XVI


Section 1. Effectivity. This Constitution shall be effective immediately upon its ratification at the First Grand Assembly on November 25, 2006.Section 2 Repeal Clause. All laws, rules and regulations, administrative procedures, organizational models, titles, circulars, and other provisions adopted during the interim period not consistent with this Constitution shall be deemed repealed and/or superseded.