Saturday, September 8, 2007

Article V

Powers and Duties of Appointive Grand Lodge Officers

Section 1. Assistant Grand Secretary. He shall be vested with such powers and duties as may be delegated to him by the Grand Secretary, with the approval of the Grand Master.

Section 2. Grand Inspector General. He shall assist the Grand Master in monitoring compliance to Grand Lodge policies, rules and regulations relative to administration of lodges as provided by law. He shall also assist in monitoring the labor of the Lodges in accordance with approved rituals and ceremonies.

Section 3. Grand Lecturer. He shall be the principal adviser of the Grand Master and the officers on matters pertaining to Masonic ceremonies, rituals and protocol, on the proper interpretation of the ancient landmarks, traditions, history, philosophy, and such other Masonic doctrines. He shall give a lecture on such subjects during the assemblies of the Grand Lodge or of any of its regions, districts and lodges in its jurisdiction as the Grand Master may require.

Section 4 Grand Legal Officer. He shall handle all legal matters involving the Grand Lodge and represent it in all litigations and cases whether administrative, judicial or quasi-judicial in nature.

Section 5 Grand Chaplain. It shall be his duty of the Grand Chaplain to promote the spiritual fitness of the members of the Craft and to perform, during each Annual Grand Assembly and on other appropriate occasions, such services appertaining to his office as may be required of him by the Grand Master.

Section 6. Grand Orator. It shall be his duty of the Grand Orator to deliver an oration to the Grand Lodge at its Annual Grand Assembly or on other occasions as the Grand Master may direct.

Section 7. Grand Marshal. It shall be his duty to:
7.1 Proclaim the Grand Officers at their installation and to make such other proclamation as the Grand Master may direct.
7.2 Introduce and conduct the representatives of other Grand Lodges and all visiting brethren of distinction in all assemblies of the Grand Lodge.
7.3 Take charge of all processions of the Grand Lodge, and perform such other duties proper to his office under the direction of the Grand Master.

Section 8. Grand Deacons. It shall be their duty to assist the Grand Master and Grand Wardens in the manner prescribed by the ancient usages of the Craft.

Section 9. Grand Standard Bearer. It shall be his duty to carry the Banner of the Grand Lodge in all processions and at all public ceremonies.

Section 10. Grand Sword Bearer. It shall be his duty to attend to the Grand Master and carry the Sword of the Grand Lodge in all processions and at all public ceremonies.

Section 11. Grand Bible Bearer. It shall be his duty to carry the Book of Holy Writings in all processions and at all public ceremonies.

Section 12. Grand Stewards. It shall be their duty to superintend the preparations for all festive occasions directed by the Grand Lodge.

Section 13. Grand Organist. It shall be his duty to preside at the organ at the opening and the closing and other ceremonies of the Grand Lodge as appropriate.

Section 14. Grand Tyler. It shall be his duty to:
14.1 Guard the outer door of the Grand Lodge when convened.
14.2 Report all applicants for admission to the Junior Grand Deacon and see that all who enter are duly authorized and properly clothed.
14.3 Make suitable preparations for the accommodation of the Grand Lodge at all its Assemblies and see that its hall is kept in proper condition during their continuance.
14.4 Take charge of and safely keep the jewels, furniture, clothing, and other paraphernalia of the Grand Lodge during its Assemblies and other ceremonies.
14.5 Serve all notices and summonses, and perform such other duties as maybe required of him by the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master.

Section 15. Accountability. The powers, duties and responsibilities as well as accountabilities of these officers shall be embodied in a manual or code specifically formulated for Grand Lodge administration and management.

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