Saturday, September 8, 2007

Article III

Article III
Members, Officers and Titles of Officers

Section 1. Members. The Grand Lodge shall be composed of the Subordinate Lodges and their members in good standing, represented by their incumbent Masters and Wardens. Master Masons of any Subordinate Lodge of this Grand Lodge present and duly registered at any Assembly shall be entitled to speak and vote on any issue raised and discussed therein.

Section 2. Elected Grand Officers and Titles
a. The Grand Master (MW) Most Worshipful.
b. The Deputy Grand Master (RW) Right Worshipful.
c. The Senior Grand Warden (RW) Right Worshipful.
d. The Junior Grand Warden (RW) Right Worshipful.
e. The Grand Treasurer (RW) Right Worshipful.
f. The Grand Secretary (RW) Right Worshipful.
g. The Grand Auditor (RW) Right Worshipful.

Section 3. Appointive Grand Officers and Titles
a. The Assistant Grand Secretary (VW) Very Worshipful.
b. The Grand Inspector General (VW) Very Worshipful.
c. The Grand Lecturer (VW) Very Worshipful.
d. The Grand Legal Officer (VW) Very Worshipful.
e. The Grand Chaplain (VW) Very Worshipful.
f. The Grand Orator (VW) Very Worshipful.
g. The Grand Marshal (VW) Very Worshipful.
h. The Senior Grand Deacon (VW) Very Worshipful.
i. The Junior Grand Deacon (VW) Very Worshipful.
j. The Grand Standard Bearer (VW) Very Worshipful.
k. The Grand Sword Bearer (VW) Very Worshipful.
l. The Grand Bible Bearer (VW) Very Worshipful.
m. The Senior Grand Steward (VW) Very Worshipful.
n. The Junior Grand Steward (VW) Very Worshipful.
o. The Grand Organist (VW) Very Worshipful.
p. The Grand Tyler (VW) Very Worshipful.

Section 4. Other Appointive Grand Line Officers.
a. Regional Grand Deputy(ies) (VW) Very Worshipful.
b. Regional Grand Inspector(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
c. Regional Grand Lecturer(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
d. District Grand Supervisor(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
e. District Grand Inspector(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.
f. District Grand Lecturer(s) (VW) Very Worshipful.

Section 5. Qualifications of Elective and Appointive Officers. Qualifications of the various elective and appointive officers shall be embodied in a Grand Lodge Election and Appointments Code.

5.1 No one shall be appointed officer of the Grand Lodge unless he is a member in good standing of a Subordinate Lodge in this jurisdiction. If he is a dual/plural member of another Subordinate Lodge, he shall also automatically cease to be an officer of the Grand Lodge should he lose his status as member in good standing in any of his dual/plural Subordinate Lodge.

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